Welcome to The Ornate Fox Boutique!
We are a hybrid boutique that offers all our favorite curated bohemian styles as well as original POD designs and couples those with our very own hand made jewelry & other creations! I wanted to create a platform for my art and all my favorite things! We’re so happy you’re here!
Our Story
Hi there! I’m Chrissy. I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a registered nurse, and an artist. We live in gorgeous Upstate NY and my full time profession is nursing. I hope to be able to expand my business to encompass a community and a culture of creativity. More to come on that later.
I started The Ornate Fox in 2016 on Etsy and continue to fall in love with electroforming every single day. I found electroforming while doom scrolling Pinterest and spent hours and days researching the process and startup. Shortly after, I set up my basement studio and have been immersed in the joy of creativity ever since.
I started making things the moment I realized how much I loved the alchemy of matter. Turning something ordinary or raw into something beautiful with my hands lit my soul and I’ve been fanning those flames for 30 years.
When I’m not creating (if you’re a maker you know we’re kinda always creating in some form!), I am working full time as a Registered Nurse, spending time with my family and friends, enjoying time in nature, vending at local events and markets, gaming, or a combination of any of those!
I draw inspiration from nature, celestial influences, intuition, emotional influences, and geeky fandoms. My favorite color is black and I’m currently learning how to read tarot. Least favorite self quality: living in a perpetual state of organized chaos as a Virgo with ADHD.
I’ll create anything I can figure out: writing, sketching, graphic design, photography, knitting, crocheting, painting, macrame, candle making, ceramics, sewing, sculpting, designing, metal etching, silversmithing (working on that), and electroforming! Keep an eye out for random makes!
Our Mission
We are striving to create space for creativity and happiness. My vision and mission for The Ornate Fox is to not only to curate, procure, and create stunning & extraordinary bohemian style pieces. But to also promote philanthropic endeavors. We’ve created space for you to donate to causes, if you’d like, on our website. Check our banner at the top of our website for our featured charity! We hope to be in a position to do more in the future.
We are a woman owned & operated business. We support equality in all things.
Our Brand
- socially unconventional, artistic people and the areas they frequent, viewed collectively.
For me, Bohemia means freedom, peace, creativity, love, harmlessness, and connection. It means dancing under the moonlight around a fire with good people. Camping under unfamiliar stars with the ones you love. Exploring where you dare. Being a light for those around you, a beacon, a safe passage. It means earthen goodness and dirty hands. Warm flower baths. Braided hair with forest debris and eyes filled with curious wonderment. It means a joyous soul and a full heart. Bohemia smells like the seasons and always feels like home.
If I could describe our brand by aesthetic I’d call it bohemian, occult, & campy. When I select items for our shop I pick things that take me to a place of joy. That is my wish for you. That you find joy while wearing and placing our creations & selections.
Our Goals
We have a vision of where we’d like to be and we’d love for you to join us! I plan to be more active on social media, blogging, talking about the process of electroforming and making all the things as my schedule allows!
I want to be at a place where I can design styles myself under our brand and have them manufactured for you but that will come later. For now, we plan to bolster our vision with curation to give us a good foundation to build upon.
We hope you enjoy this space as much as we do! Good vibes, only & always! ✌🏼🦊